Pets, Allergies, and Children

Pets, Allergies, and Children For many families, the decision to bring a pet into their home is a momentous one. The joy, companionship, and life lessons that pets provide to children are immeasurable. However, it’s essential to be aware of

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Classroom Mayhem

School age kids have a lot of energy and the mayhem returns to the classroom with them. But the noise level is not the only thing that returns to school, so do the germs they have and viruses they carry.

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Breathe easy at sea

Basements and bathrooms are not the only places where musty smells can develop. Boats are also likely to develop stale air, particularly in the hull and cabin areas. Molds, mildew and bacteria  develop in the dark, enclosed areas. The presence

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The Mold Lookout

When walking through a new home, you may not always know what you should actually be looking for. Mold is often a high priority when looking into potential problems of a new home. Do you know what you should be

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Fireworks create loud noise and flashes of colorful light the fill the sky. But that’s not all. Fireworks also create soot, ash, smoke, and metals. These not only cause detriment to your environment but also your health. These health problems

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Summer air quality

If you reside in a city, you may have noticed that when the temperatures start to rise the quality of the air you breathe declines and severe air quality alerts pop up overnight. The formation of ozone increases during sunny

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Coping with Pet Allergies

Pets become family: they’re forgiving, around when you need them, is not judgmental, and love you unconditionally. In the United States, there are around 100 million pets! But for some, loving pets can cause allergic reactions and you have to

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How to Beat Seasonal Allergies

If you have seasonal allergies then you are fully aware that allergy season is upon us. With everything coming back to life, those that suffer from pollen allergies know how invasive and frustrating symptoms can become. Common symptoms are watery

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