Billions at risk from home air pollution

A study was recently released that nearly three billion people are at risk for ill health and early death due to breathing polluted air in their homes caused by fires that are used for cooking and heating. Around forty percent

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Fireworks create loud noise and flashes of colorful light the fill the sky. But that’s not all. Fireworks also create soot, ash, smoke, and metals. These not only cause detriment to your environment but also your health. These health problems

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Coping with Pet Allergies

Pets become family: they’re forgiving, around when you need them, is not judgmental, and love you unconditionally. In the United States, there are around 100 million pets! But for some, loving pets can cause allergic reactions and you have to

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Is your City the Worst for Pollution?

The American Lung Association (ALA) released the 2014 rankings for the cities with the highest and lowest amount of air pollution. The ALA divides the tested pollution into three categories: ozone, year round particle pollution and short-term particle pollution. The

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