7 Questions to Ask Before Buying Your Air Purifier

7 Questions to Ask Before Buying Your Air Purifier

On average, Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, which makes the air you’re breathing ten times more important. If you knew your household air was polluted and in need of a deep cleanse, what would you do?

Your next obvious step should be to invest in an air purifier! Air purifiers are household devices that remove contaminants in the air through an internal filter. After consuming this polluted bacteria, the device will release clean air. But with so many different brands and versions of air purifiers, it’s hard to know what questions to ask.

Are you a homeowner wanting to cleanse the air in your home for good? Does your loved one have kids and you’re wanting to get an air purifier as a gift? No matter your situation, we have all the fundamentals covered! Continue reading so you can know the essential questions to ask before buying your air purifier.

Why Get an Air Purifier?

An air purifier will benefit your household in more ways than one, first starting with making it easier to breathe. If you’re someone who struggles with allergens, an air purifier works to make you feel more comfortable at home without the endless sneezing and sniffles.

Not only that, but air purifiers can reduce the amount of indoor and outdoor contaminants in your home. It’s been studied that being in highly polluted areas can lead to respiratory problems. An air purifier will reduce these issues and make sure the air you breathe is completely pollutant-free.

If you have children in the household, an air purifier will prevent the chances of airborne diseases affecting vulnerable infants. You’ll be able to keep your children, as well as yourself, safe from dangerous infections.

Other advantages to air purifiers include:

  • Relieves symptoms of asthma
  • Removes mold spores from the air
  • Reduces dust
  • Subdues unpleasant house odors
  • Improves sleep

With so many benefits of air purifiers, it’s hard to not get one. Take a safe step toward air purification by starting your research on air purifier options!

How Do You Prevent Household Pollutants?

Getting an air purifier is the first step to reducing household pollutants. However, if you’re looking to use air purification in conjunction with other methods, then consider the following:

  • Do not smoke inside the house
  • Clean carpets, rugs, and furniture often
  • Bathe pets to reduce animal dander
  • Reduce the use of harsh chemical cleaners

Household air pollution can lead to diseases such as stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and other medical issues. The air in your home is considered 100 times more polluted than the outside! These extra steps, along with an efficient air purifier, will help you reduce those pesky household pollutants in no time!

7 Questions to Ask Before Buying Your Air Purifier

Nowadays, filtering the air has become just as important as filtering your water; the endless health benefits make purchasing an air purifier an easy choice. The hard question to answer is: what type of air purifier is best for you?

Household appliances have gone through a series of changes throughout the year. The once large, heavy air purifier has now been condensed into a variety of efficient models. And it all depends on your preferences to see what’s best for you!

We’re here to put an end to your doubts once and for all. Ask yourself these seven key questions before choosing an air purifier so you can get the best model.

1. How Big Is Your House?

Air purifiers work according to the size of the environment they will operate in. Many people forget to reserve space for their air purifiers, so they end up stuffing them somewhere they shouldn’t belong.

You must know the available space of your environment before purchasing. Do you have 180 ft² available, or can you give up to 650 ft²? Are you placing the device in the bedroom or living space? These are all essential questions to ask yourself before you pick your ideal air purifier!

Some air purifiers are designed for specific situations. For example, Airfree’s “Babyair” is a star nightlight projection air purifier that is perfect for newborns. You can place this in your child’s room and feel safe that they are breathing healthily. Not only that, but they get a fun projection to fall asleep to!

2. Do You Have Furry Friends?

You may want to think twice about getting an air purifier and not considering the animals in your house. Your furry friends shed hair every single day, and those hairs will get caught in your air filter quicker than you think. Then you’ll be changing your device filter much more often than other air purifier users.

The good part about having an air purifier is that it will help reduce animal dander. If you’re allergic, then an air purification device is your dream purchase!

However, with traditional air filters, you already have to clean them once every month. If you’re adding in a housepet, then expect to be cleaning them at least once every two weeks.

Not a fan of this idea? Don’t worry, because Airfree has new technology to put an end to the constant change of filters! Our air is cleaned through a hot chamber, where the air becomes sterilized and returned to the environment.  Say goodbye to the traditional filter, and say hello to Airfree’s modern twist to air purification!

3. Are You Looking For Efficiency?

If you’re looking for an air purifier that doesn’t use a lot of energy, then low energy-consuming brands, such as Airfree, are for you! Using an air purifier for an extended amount of time will result in high electricity bills. Go the eco-friendly route and invest in high-efficiency air purification.

For instance, Airfree’s “Airfree T” has one of the lowest costs of energy consumption. It’s small enough to fit in a 180 ft² space and gets rid of up to 99.99% of bacteria. Considering it has a low energy cost, this model does it all!

4. Are You Trying to Save Money?

Air purifiers can cost a pretty penny if you aren’t looking in the right places. Don’t forget that traditional models need their filters changed often, which costs money, along with maintenance. That’s where Airfree’s air purifiers come into play.

Our lowest costing air purifier comes to you for only $99. Along with that, it’s 100% silent, maintenance-free, and small enough to be portable. If that isn’t a good bang for your buck, I don’t know what is!

5. Do You Live With Others?

Living with other people may mean you have less available space for your air purifier. You need to give your device enough space to essentially “breathe” in the pollutants. If you have a big family, consider investing in an air purifier that is portable and can fit in small spaces.

Buying an air purifier that can not only improve air quality but also work around a busy household is hard to find. Luckily, Airfree has plenty of options for you to choose from. Start your research by looking through our air purifier options!

6. Do You Have a Creative Mind?

Is your house designed from head to toe? Are you picky about what your appliances look like? If you’re someone who has a creative mind and lives at home with style, then our modern air purifiers are your dream models.

Airfree’s “Lotus” and “Tulip” air purity devices take after flower names. Their models mimic the petals and draw inspiration from nature to make stylish designs.

That doesn’t affect their efficiency at all, however. These devices will still remove all of the allergens, fungi, and other organic air pollutants in the blink of an eye. But with style, of course!

7. Do You Still Have Questions About Airfree?

Airfree devices are effective, economical, compact, and practical! They are an excellent option for everyday life. No matter if you live alone or have a big family, Airfree has options for all households.

You don’t have to sacrifice much when purchasing an Airfree air purifier. Put your trust in us, and we will deliver the best of the best!

Out With the Old, Breathe in the New With Modern Air Purifiers!

With these questions to ask before buying your air purifier, you’ll be able to navigate the purchasing process quite easily. You don’t have to worry about grueling through endless air purifier options. Simply answer these questions and you’ll be on your way to a happy, pollutant-free household.

Airfree uses filterless technology to reduce almost 100% of the bacteria living in your home. Talk to us about what your living situation is like, and we can get you the ideal air purifier on the way!


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