Air Filter for Home: Expectations vs. Reality

Air Filter for Home: Expectations vs. Reality

Animal danger. Pollen. Pollution. Dust.

Almost everywhere we go, we’re breathing in unclean air. Poor air quality not only leads to respiratory disease, but it can give us headaches and make us sick.

Air purifiers for home use come in all shapes and sizes. And it may seem like there’s no benefit to using one. However, the verdict is clear: improving home air quality is one of the best things we can do for our health.

Read on as we discuss the expectations of air purifiers versus their reality. By the end of this guide, you’ll know why you need one for better home air quality.

How Do Air Purifiers for Home Use Work?

There’s a lot floating through the air. It could be a simple bad odor. It could be something more troubling, like toxins from a nearby factory plant.

Most of these particulates are detrimental to your health. Even people without any history of respiratory disease may notice a decline in their quality of life.

Air purifiers at home all function via different technologies. Some pull air through a filter, trapping harmful particulates. Others sterilize the air filter-free.

Not all air purifiers are the same. Some have limits to what they can clean from the air.

But one thing is clear: clean air is priceless. It affects cognition as much as overall health.

Expectation vs. Reality: The Problem With Filters

The most common form of air purifier uses a filter.

However, filter air purifiers come with a big catch: they require frequent maintenance. You’ll need to change out their filters at least every 6 months.

Failure to change filters means your air purifier will be little more than an expensive paperweight. All the filth the filter has caught will begin to make its way back into your home.

To make matters worse, filters can be expensive. Many companies require proprietary filters that you can only purchase from them. You may find an affordable air filter, only to discover later that you’re paying an arm and a leg to maintain it.

These filters hold on to what they’ve trapped, too. Once you remove the filter, you expose yourself and everyone else to those contaminants. If there are disease-spreading microorganisms, then you contaminate the entire house every time you replace filters.

That’s not all, though. Filters do not remove everything from the air. They do a fair enough job capturing pollen and animal dander, but they’re less effective when it comes to disease.

And don’t forget that this variety of air purifier is noisy. Even the quietest fans emit a distracting hum. Some may struggle to concentrate and would prefer absolute silence.

With all those downsides, some people might dispense with the filter altogether. It’s just another appliance you need to switch on at the end of the day. If it’s costing more money and providing a minor annoyance, why keep it around?

Fortunately, there’s an air purifier that comes without all these downsides: filterless air purifiers.

How Does a Filterless Air Purifier Work?

Believe it or not, a filter is not the most efficient way to clean the air. Sure, it works great for heavier particulate matter like dust and pollen. But when it comes to viruses and pathogens, these smaller organisms may slip right through.

The recent pandemic has taught us how important it is to maintain a clean, virus-free environment. But masks and social distancing take a lot of effort. It can be a hassle to make sure all the doorknobs are wiped down.

This is where a filterless air purifier can help with air quality. This technology works by using a hot chamber inside the device. The air passes through this heated chamber, which neutralizes any and all contaminants.

The result? Clean, disease-free air. When the health of your friends and loved ones is on the line, that’s a price worth paying.

Other Benefits of Filterless Air Purifiers

Disease-free air is desirable, but another major issue with air purifiers for home use is the noise. In the case of filterless, that’s also not an issue. These purifiers improve your home air quality without that characteristic filter hum.

Further, they’re safe to use. Your children can operate them, and you can place them anywhere you like.

An issue with air filters is the size. You need a big fan with a big filter trap to capture all the contaminants. That leads to bulky air purifiers that you can’t just place anywhere.

Filterless air purifiers are small. You can stuff them in a corner, and they’ll spend all day chugging away to clean your air.

Filterless air purifiers don’t just have a small physical footprint. Their power consumption is small as well. You can expect them to draw half as much power as their competitors.

And unlike their predecessors, these filterless air purifiers at home are no-maintenance. Set them down, turn them on, and you’re good to go.

When you do regular maintenance, you expose yourself to everything trapped in the filter. With filterless, the heat destroys these contaminants. There’s no risk of future contamination.

Get a Filterless Air Purifier Today

Filter air purifiers are good at improving home air quality, but they come at a price. They require maintenance, make a lot of noise, and need a lot of space. Filterless air purifiers for home use have none of those downsides and still provide clean air.

You can’t afford to wait to improve your air quality. Find the right air purifier for you and see what good home air quality is like.


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