Air Purifier on Sale: A Guide on What You Need to Know Before Buying

A Guide on What You Need to Know Before Buying an Air Purifier on Sale

Before buying an air purifier on sale, identify the reason(s) you are in the market. Understanding your primary concern(s) and what you are trying to accomplish is as important as buying the unit on sale and saving you money.

The most common reasons people shop for an air purifier include:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma symptoms
  • Mold and mildew spores
  • Pet dander
  • Tobacco products

According to several studies, the air within homes and other buildings has higher concentrations of pollutants than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities. And just in the recent past, other studies indicate that more people now spend 90% or more of their time indoors. For these people, health risks tend to be more significant. These groups include the elderly, the young, and those who suffer from cardiovascular or respiratory disease.

A considerable amount of time is spent in offices, which brings up another concern. These buildings utilize mechanical HVAC, many with inadequate filtering and no air purification. You may also want to consider the air quality in your office and the possible need for a small air purifier for that office.

This Air Purifier Guide answers many of the most common questions about what to consider when choosing an air purifier and explains the newest technologies and features.

Getting Started

According to the EPA, indoor air quality is among the top five environmental health risks. Only by eliminating the source of pollutants with ventilation and filtration will indoor air quality be improved.

Many people have changed their lifestyles since 2019 and choose to work from home. We discovered that our indoor air quality wasn’t as good as we once thought until then. Being indoors for extended periods, especially with others, and re-breathing available air is unhealthy.

All of us face a host of health risks daily: for example, flying in crowded planes, driving cars and breathing in gas fumes, and team recreational activities. We understand that some risks are unavoidable. Others we choose to accept so as not to restrict leading what we consider a “normal” life. But we might decide we could avoid some risks if we can make informed choices. Your indoor air quality is one risk you can mitigate with the right air purifier.

By filtering and “scrubbing” the ambient air, air purifiers help reduce the number of allergens and airborne pollutants. Depending on the specs of a particular unit, the number of contaminants removed will differ.

Here is your quick guide on what you need to know before buying an air purifier:



Air purifiers cleanse the air according to the square footage of a room. Considering square footage in conjunction with effectiveness is essential. Remember that air purifier effectiveness varies from model to model; they are designed to remove different amounts of airborne particles. As a result, a lower-end air purifier may only remove 30% of particles; higher quality units can up to 99.97% of harmful particles. Plan where you will place your new air purifier to ensure you choose the right size for your space.

Reasons to buy an air purifier

People choose air purifiers according to specific needs, such as:

  •  Allergies
  •  Asbestos insulation
  •  Asthma
  •  Building materials
  •  Dirty HVAC vents
  •  Furnishings
  •  Household cleaning products
  •  Outdoor air pollution
  •  Pesticides
  •  Pet dander
  •  Pressed wood products, i.e., cabinetry
  •  Radon
  •  Smoke
  •  Wet carpet

Choosing the right air purification system

By choosing a quality unit that uses a Gold Standard for indoor air purifiers, you will benefit significantly from the technology and features that allow you to monitor the air quality in your home and the energy efficiency, saving you money.

When you start considering buying an air-purifying system on sale, you will begin to notice there are two types of units: filter-less and filter devices.  

The air exchange rate is the rate at which outdoor air replaces indoor air. When there is little natural ventilation, infiltration, or mechanical ventilation, the pollutant levels can increase due to the low air exchange rate. Infiltration occurs when outdoor air flows into the house through:

  •  around windows and doors
  •  cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings
  •  joints
  •  openings

Here are some specs to take into consideration:

  • How often should filters be changed out?
  • Is the unit small and portable or large and stationary?
  • What is its energy efficiency rating?
  • What is the noise level (in decibels)?
  • What is the size of the unit?
  • What purification method does the unit utilize?

Noise levels are essential when considering the purchase of an air purifier. Depending on where you’re using your air purifier, you may want a quieter device, such as in the bedroom or baby’s room.

Calculating the cost of operating an air purifier

Go to your electric provider’s website, locate the cost per unit of electricity for your area, and calculate the number of hours you plan to run your air purifier. This information will help you calculate your operating costs.

Features and effectiveness

Consider the features you would like on your air purifier: do you want one with a shut-off timer? One that has a filter life indicator, one that automatically senses air pollutants with automatic on/off, or one with a UV light. Many features are now available—some are standard while others increase the unit’s price.

Purchasing the right air purifier is an investment in your health. Remember: buying an air purifier on sale is not the same as buying a low-end unit. Air purifiers come in all price ranges, and their quality and performance will differ significantly at lower price points. However, we recommend investing in the best air purifier you can get within your budget. 


Activated Carbon–works by neutralizing odors and trapping gasses and other chemicals, thereby removing toxins.

Boiling Water Sterilization Concept — Airfree units apply the concept of boiling water for sterilization to purify the air. Inside each unit, a 32 mini-duct core heats the contaminated air to 400F degrees to thoroughly sterilize the air and return crisp, clean, purified air to the room.

Pre-filter – helps extend the life of the primary HEPA filter, a removable filter layer that captures larger particles; typically, they can be vacuumed or are washable; replacement costs are relatively low.

Ionizer—The EPA does not recommend these types of devices-they charge airborne particles, causing them to fuse into larger particles. Ionizers are ineffective without HEPA filtration;  ionizers emit ozone—only ozone-safe ionizers should be considered for home use.


Air purifier warranties can be very beneficial. However, keep this in mind: the shorter the manufacturer’s warranty, the briefer the lifetime of your unit.

For additional information, visit our website or contact Airfree at 1-662-921-4426  to talk to one of our air purifier specialists.   


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