How to choose a large rooms air purifiers: Tips and tricks before buying

How to choose a large room air purifier: Tips and tricks before buying

We all need clean air eventually. Breathing in elevated levels of dust, CO2 and toxic particles for short periods might not be a noticeable major issue for a while, but it will take its toll if enough time passes. Accidentally doing this for too long is especially likely in your own home or workplace, where most people spend the majority of their waking and sleeping life.

Thus, if you’re shifting between a stuffy house and an enclosed workplace day in and day out without the benefit of persistently purified air; you might be in for some trouble. This is where air purifiers can come to the rescue. These articles of portable, easy-to-install equipment are perfectly suited to deliver clean air in any closed part of home or office day and night.

This applies especially for large room air purifiers, which can be used in a multitude of room sizes for maximal purifying results. Here’s what to keep in mind for buying one or more of your own.

Knowing dimensions and filtration parameters

First and most crucial, you should keep in mind what kind of particulate filtration you want. If you’re looking for a new air purifier, you should keep in mind that it should be capable of handling pollen, dust, smoke, free-floating fungus or mold, microorganisms, bacteria in the air, viruses and of course allergens.

Furthermore, your air purifier of choice should be designed to handle the largest room you’ll use it in and then some. In other words, choose a device whose purification specs err on the side of larger. Normally, any room with a square footage of more than 300 square feet can be considered a larger room. You should choose your purifier with this in mind even if you might use it in smaller spaces.

Noise and Large Size Don’t Mean Effective

A common cognitive bias that often happens with buying air purifiers is the idea that if it’s big and makes plenty of sound, then the device you’re considering is especially effective. This is simply wrong, and especially with modern, advanced purifier technology.

For example, Airfree’s purification devices use innovative, unique and even exclusive technology to ensure that their devices stay compactly unobtrusive, make virtually no noise and still superbly cleanse dirty air in large rooms. These qualities are vital not only for the sake of preserving a quiet, relaxing room, they’re also useful for aesthetic reasons. You want a purifier that doesn’t stand out like a sore thumb in any nice space.

Maintenance Cost-Free is Key

Imagine a room in which a dozen or more people pass through or spend time daily. They’re working, moving around, lounging and otherwise keeping the room occupied most of the time. This means plenty of work for the air purifier you place there. In cheaper devices, that might also mean two other things: having to change a filter frequently and having to maintain or repair the device sooner rather than later.

Fortunately, purifier technology has moved beyond these problems. Airfree’s filterless purifiers not only require zero maintenance in general, they also remove even the most basic task of having to change a filter frequently.

Unlike commonly used HEPA filters, these models guarantee clean air delivery without HEPA filter replacement of any kind. Internal ceramic pipes superheat air passing through the filter in a way that sterilizes microbes, fungus and mold are simply destroyed before they can cause any persistent harm.

For you this happens to mean a purification device that’s minimally distracting in terms of maintenance or parts replacement. 

Coverage Area is Crucial

Buying an air purifier means knowing its rated capabilities vs. your use requirements. You absolutely don’t want a device that will look nice, be quiet and then turn out to be too little for your largest usable room. Instead, simply err on the side of caution by buying a purifier that offers maximal possible coverage based on your budget. It will be the perfect fit more often than not due to its flexibility with slightly smaller spaces. This is why it’s better to err on the side of caution with air purifiers.

Keeping Electricity in Mind

Air purifiers built to modern standards are generally very cost-effective in terms of price. Many of them even enjoy third party ratings specifically because of their cost-effectiveness. For your purifier, you should first make sure that it doesn’t swallow too much electricity, and secondly, you should ensure that it pulls enough power to its basic job at the same time.

Why do You Need a Purifier?

Another important question to ask yourself before buying a purifier is about your need level. In other words, what do you want the filter to eliminate? This could be chemical residues in the air, cigarette smoke, dust, allergens from plants, pollen and so forth. It could also be something you want for the sake of family or coworkers who have extreme sensitivities to certain airborne substances, or are sick with pulmonary problems.

Different purifier models and their internal technologies can serve different purposes, so it’s important to choose carefully based on your own air problems or health issues. Before buying your own purifier, you might even want to speak with other people who share the same space and see what they agree on. 

Getting Your Own Filter Now

If you’ve decided that you could definitely use an air purifier for your home, workplace or elsewhere, they’re   easy to buy, relatively affordable and powerfully useful. Buying your own clean air purifier with some of the latest in filter-free purification technology is as simple as contacting the right provider and examining the models that are available. Airfree’s highly advanced, sophisticated purifiers are beautifully quiet, extremely efficient and can work in almost any enclosed space effectively.


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