5 Rewarding Benefits of Air Purifiers_BLOG

5 Rewarding Benefits of Air Purifiers

In the last several years, a number of studies have come out indicating that the air in our homes and buildings can actually be more polluted than outdoors? Considering we spend around 90 percent of our time indoors, this is a staggering realization.

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Why Autumn Is an Awesome Season

Why Autumn Is an Awesome Season

Autumn represents something magical and profound in the popular imagination. It is a time of transition and symbolizes maturity and prosperity. In this post, we explore all things fall. Read on to find out why autumn is an awesome season.

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hay fever

The First Signs That Hay Fever Season Is On

Allergies are never fun, so it’s good to know when hay fever season starts so that you can prepare yourself.  Roughly 24 million Americans struggle with allergy symptoms including a runny nose or congestion, itchy eyes, and a scratchy throat.

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The importance of water

The Importance of Water for Everybody

National and International governments, along with institutions, are becoming increasingly concerned about the climate of the world. But, it also requires us ALL to do our fair share!  Because of that, we want to take this opportunity to remind everyone

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Plants that help improve the air quality

Plants that help improve the air quality

Did you know that some indoor plants can produce chemical compounds (along with oxygen), that are proven to improve your quality of health in indoor environments without harming cats or dogs?  Around the world, there are plants that not only

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