Plants that help improve the air quality

Plants that help improve the air quality

Did you know that some indoor plants can produce chemical compounds (along with oxygen), that are proven to improve your quality of health in indoor environments without harming cats or dogs?  Around the world, there are plants that not only

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Classroom Mayhem

School age kids have a lot of energy and the mayhem returns to the classroom with them. But the noise level is not the only thing that returns to school, so do the germs they have and viruses they carry.

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Summer air quality

If you reside in a city, you may have noticed that when the temperatures start to rise the quality of the air you breathe declines and severe air quality alerts pop up overnight. The formation of ozone increases during sunny

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World Environment Day

World Environment Day is June 5th! World Environment Day was implemented by the United Nations and is a day for spreading environmental awareness. Each year a different theme is chosen to focus on and a different city is chosen to host

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