When Is It Time for an Air Filter Replacement?


Did you know that the quality of your indoor air can have a direct effect on your health and wellbeing? Unfortunately, the quality of interior air can be exponentially worse than outdoor air quality. While you might suppose that opening your home’s windows for some fresh air will improve your indoor air quality, you’ll have a much better chance for clean air by depending on an air purification system. But what kind? And how often do you need to replace its filter? Do all air purification systems use air filters? The following information will address these questions and more, helping you understand the differences between today’s air purifiers so you can choose the best one for your home.

What Is An Air Purification System?

An air purifier is a system that removes impurities from your indoor air. These impurities typically include microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, dust mites, allergens, VOCs, pet dander, mold, and other particles that are suspended air–air that you and other occupants of your household breathe in whether you realize it or not. Depending on the air filter device or system you have, it may or may not do an admirable job of removing these impurities from your air. In this time of viral pandemics, pollution, and greenhouse gasses, you should certainly try to install a system that rooms as close to 100% of pollutants from your home’s indoor air.

Using an air purification system and bringing more fresh air from the outdoors will help you dramatically improve the air you breathe when you’re inside your house. Although many people might assume that their HVAC system’s air filter will screen out pollutants from their indoor air, it won’t screen out all of them–and it won’t screen them out adequately once it becomes caked with dirt (which is why they need to be changed frequently). 

Today, many homeowners not only change the air filter on their HVAC system every 60 to 90 days, they also invest in air purifiers, which are ideal for removing finer particulates from the air. Your home’s HVAC system air filter is not likely to screen out viruses, for example, but some air purifiers will.  You can use both systems in tandem to doubly protect your home from air impurities. 

Keep in mind that your HVAC system’s air filter is actually designed to protect the HVAC system’s components from dirt and pollutants. This function, of course, also helps to improve your indoor air quality. Air purification systems, however, are designed with air purification in mind. But which type of air purifier should you choose and how do they work?

Types of Air Purification Systems

Most of today’s air purifiers continue to rely on HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters to improve indoor air quality. On the other hand, there are other technologies available today that also purify air–and some do so more effectively and affordably. Some systems might use a combination of air filters. Carbon and UV light provide additional filtration methods to choose from, and obviously, there is the filterless technology. Which one is best for your home? Let’s explore:

Hepa Filters

Air purification systems that rely on HEPA filters generally capture air pollutants that are as tiny as 0.3 microns. The human eye can’t see these particles, but we can certainly breathe them when they’re suspended in the air. The smallest particles we may see are about 50 microns in size to give you an idea of what’s lurking in our indoor air. While HEPA filters can capture about 97% of the unwanted particles in your air, they don’t capture odors or gasses. They also get dirty and require replacements–which can get expensive. These filters need to be replaced anywhere from every three months to 12 months depending on your system and the quality of your indoor air. Besides, for those that are allergic, contact with infected materials can be very harmful, possibly resulting in a severe allergic reaction.

Activated Carbon

Some air purifiers on the market today rely on activated carbon technology to purify the air. These filters can capture some odors as well as some types of VOC particulates. However, they cannot filter out bacteria or viruses as can HEPA filters. They are not particularly useful for guarding against ammonia, nitrogen oxide, or formaldehyde either. Activated carbon filter replacement can also get pricey; they are typically about $50 each and need to be replaced every three months. They are known to become saturated with dirt more quickly than HEPA filters.

Electrostatic Precipitators

High voltage electrical energy is used today to charge particles suspended in the air so that they stick to the purification system’s electrostatic plates. The plates, as you might expect, need to be changed frequently just like filters. The downside of this technology is that it actually releases ozone. That coupled with the cost of new plates makes this particular technology less popular for purifying air than many other systems.

Ozone Generators

Popular with hotels, ozone generators absorb all sorts of odors. They release ozone into the air which absorbs the odors but makes the room unsuitable for use for 24 hours from their use. Even low levels of ozone can trigger health complaints such as shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pains. Long exposure to ozone can cause lung damage and worsen respiratory conditions.

Ultraviolet Light 

Systems that rely on ultraviolet light to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungal spores can be effective, but they may miss some of these pathogens as certain types are actually resistant to UV radiation. The ultraviolet light must also be powerful enough to kill the microorganisms. Also, there are some UV light systems that also release ozone, which is a decided downside.

Filterless TSS Technology

Filterless TSS technology uses Airfree air purifiers to sanitize the air. The system relies on boiled water to achieve its air purifying effect. The device takes in unpurified air which passes through its system and heated ceramic core, and then sends out fresh, clean air that has been thoroughly purified. The device’s core is heated to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. As the dirty air passes it, the pollutants are sterilized. Then, the system cools the air before releasing it back into the room, without increasing the room’s temperature.. One of the many upsides of this type of system is that it’s filterless. So, there’s no need to continually purchase and change filters. 

How Do Filterless TSS Technology Air Purifiers Work?

As mentioned, Airfree systems use filterless TSS technology to purify air. Like other air purification systems, they suck in dirty air and send out clean air, but they do so in a unique, filterless way. Unlike systems that use HEPA filters, for instance, Airfree air purifiers do not use filters to capture unwanted air particles. Instead, these purifiers use hot water to literally sterilize the air. Not only are they less costly than many other air purifiers on the market today, they’re lighter, smaller in size, and even less noisy.

As the dirty air from your home passes into the device, its core, which is heated by boiled water, kills even small mold spores, viruses, and bacteria with ease. Then, the air is cooled and released back into the room where your Airfree air purifier is working. The device doesn’t simply filter these microorganisms out of the air; it literally destroys them. 

Explore the Benefits of Filterless TSS Technology

Here are a few of the benefits that homes that use Airfree air purifiers can expect to enjoy:

Reduce the Risk of Airborne Diseases

Airborne pathogens can cause sickness. Viruses like the common cold, flu, and COVID-19 can cause considerable discomfort–or worse. It’s important to many people to reduce the risk of these viruses in their homes to protect themselves and loved ones from illness. Airfree air purifiers are especially effective at eliminating microorganisms that can cause sickness in your home. Although you or your family can catch a virus while out in the world, you’re less likely to spread it to other family members if you use an air purifying device that removes the germs you breathe out. In this way, you can reduce the risk of conditions like the flu or cold infecting all your home’s occupants.

Reduce Symptoms of Respiratory Conditions Like Asthma

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1 in 12 people suffer from asthma. Asthma causes a person’s bronchial tubes to become inflamed. Many pollutants can trigger this inflammation and cause symptoms like coughing and difficulty breathing. Pollen, pet dander, and dust mites are especially troublesome for many asthma sufferers. Using an air purification system that can remove these pollutants can help reduce the asthma symptoms a person experiences in their own home.

Neutralize Strong, Unpleasant Odors

Many chemicals can cause unpleasant odors. Many of these odors are associated with common products like aerosol sprays that people use each day. Many chemicals can give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can trigger nausea and respiratory complaints in people. Prolonged exposure can even affect a person’s cognitive function.


Airfree air purifiers set a new standard in air purification. Their use of filterless technology also makes them low-maintenance and cost-effective options for people who don’t want to routinely purchase air filters for their systems. The sooner you install this type of air purifying device in your home, the sooner you can breathe fresher, cleaner air.


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