No allergy vacation!


No Allergy Vacation!!!

Enjoy the rest of your summer by getting out as much as you can. Visit new places! However, if you suffer from allergies, be aware of the possible locations where allergies may be hiding. Summer will soon be ending, and whether you are traveling to the country, beach, hotel or if you are camping, there are special precautions that those with allergies must consider.

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you do not want to suffer from the constant sneezing, watery eyes or any other unpleasant reaction.


  • – The house you are staying in was probably closed up from the last visitors – ventilate it as soon as you arrive
  • – Place mattresses, pillows, and blankets in the sun to freshen.
  • – If you have not brought along your own clean bedding and towels and are using the linens provided, be sure to wash them before you use them. Wash them at temperatures above 130ºF. This will help to reduce dust mites.
  • – Avoid many porous materials inside the residence.
  • – When cleaning or tidying up, avoid using a broom, as they can stir up the dust. Choose wet cloths when cleaning the house.

IF STAYING IN A HOTELhave a happy vacation from Airfree USA - No Allergy Vacation

Many hotels now adhere to the concept of being a “healthy hotel.” These changes are not only showing on their menus and leisure options but also in increased awareness of better air quality.

Hotels aim to provide their guests with an overall better stay by choosing the use of recyclable and ow emission volatile chemical compounds, reducing the use of chemical products and above all, improving the air quality – especially in the rooms.

If the trip involves staying in a hotel or inn, when making the reservation those with allergies should remember:

  • – Avoid rooms with carpets, preferring those with tiled floors and with few porous objects.
  • – Seek the opinion of other users, for example by consulting the recommendations of the hotel unit or, better yet, knowing someone who had already been to the hotel. Use websites like Trip Advisor or Facebook comments for these recommendations.
  • – Make sure your accommodations are non-smoking. If you do notice an odor of mold or cigarettes, do not hesitate to ask for another room – your health is more important!

If you are camping:

There are more and more people opting for camping, but the outdoor lifestyle has its challenges, and even more so in the case of people with allergies.

So, before the trip, it is important to:

  • – Consult the family doctor to make sure you won’t need any prescription.
  • -Find out if there are a nearby service emergency department, pharmacy, and their contacts, as well as verify that your cell phone will have network coverage for mobile calls.
  • – If using a nebulizer, make sure that the campsite has electric power.

Many new or first time campers prefer parks and other places that offer accommodations that are more complex and comfortable, such as the teepees, bungalows, residential caravans and even chalets. If this is your case, the electric light allows you to bring along Airfree air purifier!

Stay safe these vacations and enjoy No Allergy Vacation!!!


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