Summertime Triggers

During the summer, kids are either at home, at camp, visiting relatives, or visiting friends. The free time they have during the summer allows them to experience things they don’t blog_usa03always get to during the school year. There are some triggers associated with the summer months that can cause allergy and asthma symptoms in kids and adults. Being aware of these symptoms can help keep you and your children healthy and happy.

Certain fruits and vegetables that are ripe during summer months (such as peaches, melons, eggplant, and others) have been known to cause allergic reactions. Sometimes the skins or flesh of these foods can cause a tingling feeling and sensitivity in the mouth. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), people who suffer from grass allergies can experience a cross-reaction with these fruits as they may carry similar allergens as well such as  the ones found in certain grass, tree or week pollen.

blog_usa04Sudden weather changes can trigger asthma attacks by stirring up pollen and mold. Avoiding the outdoors while the weather is volatile is important during the summer months to keep asthma at bay.
Campfires are a traditional part of summer but when the smoke from it can trigger asthma attacks, it can put a damper on the fun. Try to stay upwind of the smoke and keep any asthma medication close at hand just in case of a flair-up.

Pools and waterparks are a lot of fun! Did you know though that the strong smell of chlorine can be an irritant? Try to visit pools that are in a well-ventilated area to avoid allergy-like eye and nose symptoms. Chlorine can also be a trigger for asthma attacks.

Many people have allergic reactions when stung by bees, wasps, hornets, or fire ants. blog_usa05These reactions can be life-threatening and demand utmost precaution. When outside with a known allergy you should cover up and avoid wearing bright clothes. Don’t wear perfume or body spray or strong-smelling deodorant as sweet smells attract these stinging insects. Also be careful with open drinks or food. If you do not know if you are allergic or not, you should consider seeing an allergist before you or a loved one finds out the hard way.


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