The Mold Lookout

When walking through a new home, you may not always know what you should actually be looking for. Mold is often a high priority when looking into potential problems of a new home. Do you know what you should be looking for? air_purifier_01

Black, green, white, or blue spots on ceilings and surfaces are the most common sign of mold in a home. Pay special attention to bathrooms and basements as they are the most likely places to find mold. Problems can also occur in closets.

Hot temperatures during the summer and inadequate air conditioners can result in humid conditions that mold thrives in. Make sure that your home is properly dehumidified to prevent mold and mold growth.

You should wear rubber gloves when touching mold and never use your bare hands even when cleaning. A solution of one cup of chlorine and one cup of water is generally effective on most surfaces. You also must eliminate the source of the moisture so that it does not reoccur. Open windows so that the area can dry; do not put objects on surface until it is completely dried.

Inhaling mold particles can result in respiratory problems and diseases. Some common symptoms are nasal congestions, nasal irritation, asthma, rhinitis, sneezing, difficulty breathing, and itchy skin. Certain people such as the elderly, newborns, and immune-suppressed patients are more susceptible to mold infections.


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